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Can You Talk The Talk?

You bet! We can also walk the walk. But that’s not what we’re talking about today. We’re talking “talk”... and not just talking to talk!

Documentaries are famously known as "those talking head films”, which may sound dry, but it isn’t always a bad thing. Because this time, those talking heads are the comic creators we all know and love! I mean, who wouldn't want to listen to Denny O'Neil talk all day? Here's a phone book Denny, we're all ears!

But getting back on track, we've coupled the "talking heads" with that light-hearted, zany, unbelievable vibe that Charlton has. We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again, the Charlton legacy needs to be remembered and it's dedicated to the awesome folks who made it what it is, HOWEVER, this film is also for you!

So... whatcha say to that?!?! No, really, WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU!

A few of you have already reached out, and we like talking with you. Hit us up through e-mail, Facebook, Twitter, or at a con (especially at a con). We love it when you guys want to talk to us! Tell us your thoughts on the project. Maybe you’ve got a hot tip? Why is Charlton so special to you? Or heck, just say “Hi!” We’re friendly folks... as long as we’ve had our morning coffee ;)

Well, maybe you’re the strong silent type. The active listener. Well, listen to this! Talk radio may be considered old hat, but its sexy granddaughter the Podcast is all the rage. So we proudly present TWO, yes two, Podcasts to share with you. First up is Geekish Cast where we talked with host Jeremy Vilmur about Charlton, our geek cred, and the fun-filled life of being a filmmaker. Jeremy found us through Facebook.

Click their logo to hear the podcast!

Up next, we have the latest episode of Deep Dish Radio with fantastic host Tim Powers. Tim connected with us on Twitter, and we had a great time talking about Charlton with him! Click the logo below to hear the podcast!

Oh, what's that? Yes, I hear you, you in the back – “With all this talking you’re doing, you’re not talking about WHO you’re talking to!”

Oh riiiiiight the interviews! You might remember that Paul Kupperberg was featured in our first trailer, but that was just a quick promotional spot. Now it’s time to hash the details. Paul, or as his lawyers tell us to address him: His Lordship Kupperberg, has been with us since the very beginning. When we pitched the documentary idea to some of the Charlton guys back in August of 2014, they all said the same thing: “If Kupperberg is in, we’re in.” Suffice to say, he said yes. Whew!

To read his side of the story, hop on over to the Charlton Neo blog!

Now, before you can ask, yes, we are in talks about upcoming cons.

Boston Comic Con, TerrifiCon, and Rhode Island Comic Con are all on the list. We’ll bring you more details as they come in, and if any other cons are added to the list, we’ll be sure to get the good word out. Until next time, Up and Atom... Captain Atom that is! Jackie and Keith

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