"The greatest war artist of all time." - Joe Gill
I didn't know Sam.
By the looks of the online comic book news sources, they didn't either.
I think that says a lot about who he was. Sam seemed quiet.
I love Sam's artwork, and I'm willing to bet a lot of other people did too... even if they couldn't tell you his name, but immediately recognized his drawings.
“Sam Glanzman is one of the most neglected stars. It’s a shame that a talent like his has been so overlooked when writing about those who made comic books the exciting medium they are.” – Stan Lee
Nobody can deny that this guy was a damn fine artist! I'll forever be sorry that I didn't get a chance to meet him, but what a joy it is to meet someone who was his friend.
When we interviewed Will Franz last summer, he gave us quite an insight on Sam's tremendous character. Not many guys would take the time to show a 14yr old kid the ropes of the comics industry, but Sam did.
That encouragement Sam bestowed on Will brought us one of the most iconic, and probably one of the most controversial war comics of all time
The Lonely War of Capt Willy Schultz
I wonder if Will knew that day when he got all dressed up and went to Sam's house with his swipe files and portfolio that one day one of the greatest comics artists would be his colleague and good friend decades later.
Then there's Drew Ford
I haven't met Drew formally, but his dedication to Sam speaks volumes for his character. Drew is one of those special people that refuses to let old comics just fade away, and in particular Sam's incredible artwork.
Drew was right there with Sam towards the end. I don't know the history of their friendship, but if Drew's efforts have anything to say, it must have been a great one.
Drew is also putting together a tribute book for Sam.
'Sam wouldn't want us walking around feeling bad about how things are. This tribute book is being put together to celebrate his life and accomplishments! He would want us to think of him and his stories, and smile.'
Sam was best known for his work on Hercules, Kona, and the numerous pages of emotionally graphic war stories, but did you know he also dabbled in romance?
Jacque Nodell who runs Sequential Crush shared a page of Sam's work from the story "Compulsion"
Sam Glanzman was deeply respected in the industry, and will be missed fiercely.
Thank you for your artwork.
Thank you for your service to our country.
Rest easy.
Up and Atom Sam!